Prevent Human-Related Security Incidents

Using generative AI to proactively influence security behavior and prevent identity attacks, social engineering, uncontrolled SaaS usage, data leaks, and more.  

We’re honored to be a Snowflake Startup Challenge semi-finalist! You can read more about it here.

Prevent Human-Related Security Incidents

Using generative AI to proactively influence security behavior and prevent identity attacks, social engineering, uncontrolled SaaS usage, data leaks, and more.  

We’re honored to be a Snowflake Startup Challenge semi-finalist! You can read more about it here.

90% of Security Incidents are Human Related

Unmanaged SaaS

Employees can create shadow identities across any number of unmanaged SaaS apps; and 80% of employees admit doing so

Source: G2

Compromised Credentials

Employees using poor credential hygiene is now the #1 threat; and 80% of attacks stem from identity and compromised credentials

Source: Crowdstrike

Surging Social Engineering Attacks

Business email attacks have increased by 400% over the last 5 years, a trend likely to worsen with the rise of AI-powered social engineering tools

Source: Verizon DBIR

Quilr’s Human-Centric Approach

Proactive Nudges

Provide in-line guidance without disrupting user workflows.

Adaptively intervene and take control in specific scenarios based on risk levels and criticality.

Behavior Interventions

Automate responses to fix issues, coach, and test users with vishing, deepfake, and BEC simulations.

Response Automation

Correlate OSINT, device posture, and security behaviors to see a 360-degree view of human risk posture.

Holistic Posture

Secure Your Data, Protect Your Team, Prevent Breaches

Enable Secure Data Handling

Gen AI based sensitive data discovery and leakage prevention.

Prevent Identity Based Attacks

Reduce you identity risk landscape

Empower Compliant SaaS adoption

Mitigate SaaS sprawl risk

Protect against Social Engineering

Prevent costly scams and deep fakes with Gen AI analysis and empowering, real-time nudges.

Secure Your Data, Protect Your Team, Prevent Breaches

Enable Secure
Data Handling

Gen AI based sensitive data discovery and
leakage prevention

Prevent Identity
Based Attacks

Reduce you identity
risk landscape

Empower Compliant
SaaS adoption

Mitigate SaaS sprawl risk

Protect against
Social Engineering

Prevent costly scams and deep fakes with Gen AI analysis and empowering, real-time nudges

The Future is Proactive Guidance

Prevent Identity based Attacks

Empower and enforce safe authentication practices.

Empower Compliant SaaS Adoption

Get visibility and control on unmanaged SaaS Apps without disrupting business.

Protect against Social Engineering

  • Use AI to fight AI

  • Deepfake Detection

  • Financial Scams

  • IT Help Desk Scams

Enable secure Data Handling

Using Gen AI to semantically discover and prevent sharing of sensitive data in emails and browsers.

How it works

User Action

Employee engages in day-to-day work tasks and online activity.

AI Analysis

Quilr's Al continuously monitors behavior patterns and context for potential risk.

Personalized Nudges

Quilr delivers tailored, in-the-moment nudges to steer users towards secure choices.

Secure Outcome

Quilr prevents incidents, strengthens human defenses, and reduces overall organizational risk.

Adaptive Human-centric Risk Management Platform

Quilr uses a network of Gen-AI agents combined with knowledge graph to proactively intercept risky human behaviors and social engineering targets by providing in-the-moment personalized guidance and enforcement improving your organization's security posture, and autonomously remediating risks. (Think collision assist for your company's security.)

Understanding your security posture

Uncover Your Human Risk Landscape

Gain unparalleled visibility into your human risk posture. Identify the critical vulnerabilities, pinpoint risky behaviors, and understand their potential impact to take informed action.

Actionable Insights: Know Where to Focus

Target your efforts with precision. Pinpoint critical risk categories, indicators, and areas within your organization that require immediate attention.

Know Your Most Critical Users and Groups

Understand the 'why' behind the risk. Discover the small percentage of employees who disproportionately impact your security, enabling tailored training and intervention.

Book a Demo

  • Proactively intercept risky behavior: Prevent incidents before they happen with real-time AI guidance.

  • Personalized, contextual nudges: Empower employees with tailored support for secure decision-making.

  • Unmatched visibility into human risk: Understand your unique risk landscape and take targeted actions.

  • Streamlined security operations: Reduce helpdesk tickets and automate policy enforcement.

See Quilr in Action: Protect Your Organization's Human Firewall

Want to help shape the future?


Want to help shape the future? 〰️

Your expertise can shape the future of user-centric security.

Join us in redefining how organizations protect themselves. Your insights are crucial in building a solution that truly empowers frontline teams.

  • Join our Design Partner Program: Collaborate directly with our team, shaping Quilr's features and user experience. Witness your contributions make a tangible impact on real-world security challenges.

  • Explore Advisor Opportunities: Offer strategic guidance and industry expertise, helping Quilr disrupt the cybersecurity landscape. Become part of a groundbreaking solution with the potential to transform the way we think about security.